Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I'm home alone tonight. Just Chekov and I. My landlords are fighting again. Yelling at their little girl. Do they think that I can't hear them? Or do they even care?

I'm tired tonight. And not feeling good. My stomach is sick and my head is aching. I'm nervous about tomorrow. And I'm alone. Oh, did I already say that? Rob won't be over until Friday, most likely. The apartment seems really quiet and empty. I think I'm ready to start living with Rob for good. I wonder what we will do though. He's talking about staying in Calgary longer then I was expecting, but not a year longer I don't think. I don't know what I will do when my lease is up here. I sure as hell don't want to live with three boys. Ugh, I don't even want to think about it.

Tomorrow is my appointment. I'm getting nervous. Really nervous. That's probably part of my sick feelings tonight. Chrissy and T will be taking me tomorrow and waiting for me to be finished. I'm still freaked out though. I'm just really scared that there's going to be something really wrong with me. Everyone keeps telling me that everything will be fine, and it probably will...but at the same time...anything could happen. It's just adding to my stress ulcer.

My Mom wants my uncle Jamie to stop driving. She also wants him to get his eyes checked. I wish I was there. I want to spend time with my uncle while he's still able to do things. I don't want to get there only to push him around in a wheel chair.

I have to drink so much water tomorrow. Here's hoping I can keep it all in until my test is done.


Rane said...

Lacey if you do not want to live with boys I am sure we can find room for you with us.....

The Small Town Girl said...

aw you guys are too sweet!
lol we'll see how it goes... September is still some time away, and are you sure you'd have room with your zoo there??? :P