Monday, June 23, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me!

I am officially a quarter of a century right now. How scary is that? It's weird. But I guess it had to happen some day.

My pre birthday weekend was pretty great, with some kind of shitty stuff thrown in here for good measure, cause, let's face it, it's me after all. Saturday at the Virgin Fest, was insanely hot. No shade. Lots of sun. Some water...I got massive sunburns on odd parts of my body, like my hands, feet, and insides of my arms, plus more normal spots too. Fun times. Then I'm pretty sure I got heat exhaustion. That sort of sucked. We left early that night, but didn't really care about the later acts, so that was fine. When I got home, I had a cold shower and got a horrible pounding headache and thought for a brief minute there, my head might actually explode. You will be happy to know that it did not, but it tried really hard to.

Yesterday was better. Not as hot, less sun and more cool breezes. And awesome music. Lots of smoking, lots of pot, lots of pushing, but a pretty damn good day. Until we got to Rob's car and found out that it was broken into. A wonderful typical ending to one of our days. His cd's and ipod were stolen, and some dirty old crackhead touched all of his stuff, but otherwise, I think he's ok stuff wise. His driver's side backseat window however, is taped up right now. Poor Rob. He did get me an awesome birthday card though (haven't gotten the rest of my birthday present yet, I'm spoiled!) that he made me open. I'm pretty sure he thinks I need to go to AA, but I'm good with that :)

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