Sunday, February 17, 2008


So I think one of my hamsters is going to die. I know that hamsters don't typically last very long, but I've only had them for a week and I really don't think it's fair. Boris has hardly moved all day, and just lays in the tube. Chekov is doing great, he's running around having a great time with life. It just makes me so sad. But yet I find it typical to my life. It's funny like that.

I'm just in such a mood these last few days. I don't know if it's becasue I'm sick or what. But I get really happy and then really pissed off, sometimes within minutes or even seconds. If I don't know how to deal with my moods, how is Rob supposed to? I love him to death. And I want to be with him. But sometimes I wonder if it would just be easier on everyone if I was a hermit living on my own somewhere. With cats. But not hamsters. I don't seem to do so well with them. Now I really regret taking Boris. I should have left him in his cage in the petstore. I don't want him to die.

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